terça-feira, 30 de abril de 2013

Phrasal Verb - Break Off

Essa é mais uma edição do dicas de phrasal verbs aqui do The English Theory. Hoje vamos conhecer a expressão break off, para começar, leia algumas frases com esse phrasal em uso:

The lecturer broke off in the middle of the presentation.

Mark and Leonor broken off their relationship.

My father broke off a piece of the bread.

Part of the wall of the school broke off after the earthquake.

Nas frases exibidas acima, apresentei três sentidos para break offNa primeira delas, esse phrasal verb tem o sentido de para de fazer algo, principalmente parar de falar.

Sally broke off when she noticed she was completely wrong.

My mother broke off to check who was knocking at the door.

The student broke off when he realised he couldn't answer the professor’s questions.

When Jack realized he didn't understand anything about the issue, he decided to break off.

Podemos usar break off para indicar o fim de um relacionamento, como nos seguintes exemplos:

Mark and Leonor broken off their relationship.

After a long time together, they have broken off their relationship.

Michael was so depressed and couldn’t be motivated to do anything after breaking off his relationship with Jane.

Também podemos usar esse phrasal com o sentido de separar ou partir algo, geralmente, break off something.

My father broke off a piece of the bread.

I broke off a piece of my sister’s hotdog.

Rachel broke off her mother's favorite vase.

Finalmente, podemos utilizar break off para designar que uma parte de alguma coisa quebrou ou partiu:

Part of the wall of the school broke off after the earthquake.

The mirror of my car broke off.

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