domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Phrasal Verb - Ask after

Olá a todos!

Hoje trago mais uma postagem da série phrasal verbs aqui do The English Theory. No artigo de hoje, vou apresentar a vocês o phrasal ask after. Para começar, separei algumas frases em que esta expressão é utilizada.

James asked after his father.

Tell your sister I asked after her.

I met your friend Carlos and he asked after you, so I told him you were OK.

Edmund called me this morning just to ask after you.

O phrasal verb ask after significa perguntar por alguém, especialmente sobre estado de saúde ou se há alguma novidade com ela. De forma geral, os termos que compõe esse verbo não devem ser separados, assim o utilizamos como: ask after someone. Veja mais alguns exemplos:

Mary asked after her mother’s medical condition to the doctor.

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from Tony asking after you.

The people from the church are always asking after my young brother after he got an accident.

I asked after Jane to everybody, but nobody seems to know what has happened to her.

That's all for today!

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