quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013

20 Expressões úteis com o verbo Make

Hello folks!

Esse é o terceiro artigo da série sobre os verbos Do e Make. No primeiro deles que você pode acessar clicando no link: Você sabe a diferença entre Do e Make? comentei sobre algumas formas de uso de ambos os verbos, no segundo intitulado 20 expressões úteis com o verbo Do, apresentei uma compilação de expressões fixas com do, hoje disponibilizo uma lista com 20 expressões sempre usadas com o verbo make. Vamos conhecê-las:

1. make an agreement (fazer um acordo)

The representatives couldn't make an agreement about the issue.

2. make a draft/ drawings (fazer rascunho/ desenhos)

I made a draft for a new car prototype.

3. make a purchase (comprar ou adquirir)

I made an interesting purchase via Internet.

4. make a question (fazer uma pergunta)

Ron always makes questions about everything.

5. make money (ganhar dinheiro)

The Rockfeller family  made lots and lots of money with oil.

6. make a phone call (fazer uma ligação telefônica) 

Excuse-me, I have to make an important phone call.

7. make a mess (fazer bagunça)

Why don't you kids stop! You're making a mess of my house.

8. make a way (abrir caminho, dar passagem, progredir)

He said it was time to make a way for a new coach in the team.

9. make progress (progredir)

The company has made a remarkable progress in the last year.

10 . make a living (ganhar a vida)

Do you make a living doing what you like to?

11. make an oath (jurar)

The man made an oath to his father-in-law.

12. make noisy (fazer barulho)

The guys who live on my street are always making noise late at night.

13. make a face at (fazer careta)

Don't make a face at your little sister.

14. make a profit (lucrar)

The company didn't make a profit last year.

15. make a scene (fazer escândalo)

The girl made a scene after her boyfriend had left her.

16. make the bed (arrumar a cama)

I always make the bed after waking up.

17. make a deal

The owner of the car's company was making a deal with some European corporations.

18. make peace 

The countries which have been engaged in war for years finally made peace.

19. make the most of (aproveitar)

Make the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephessian 5:16, NIV)

20. make friends (fazer amizade; amigos)

Would you like to make friends with me?

That's all people!

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