domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Phrasal Verb - Cut Down

Hello people, esse é mais um artigo sobre phrasal verbs, aqui do The English Theory. No tópico de hoje vamos conhecer a expressão cut down. Você já ouviu falar dela? Vou começar apresentando algumas frases retratando situações de uso desse verbo. Preste atenção nas frases e tente identificar o significado dele.

If you want to lose weight you should cut down the intake of junk food.

I'm trying to cut down the time I spend playing video games.

Mark is going to cut down his working hours in order to spend more time with his family.

I have to cut down my belly fat.

Ao observarmos as frases acima, percebemos que o phrasal verb cut down tem o sentido de reduzir ou diminuir algo. Podemos utilizar a preposição on juntamente com esse verbo, veja mais alguns exemplos:

Richard has cut down on the amount of carbohydrates.

My mom is trying to cut down on calories, so she is not eating cakes.

James has promised his father he would cut down on alcohol.

Além desse sentido, cut down também pode ser usado com o sentido de matar, assassinar alguém ou destruir algo.

Many  soldiers were cut down in Europe by the time of Second World War.
The snatcher cut an innocent man down on the street.
The police officer cut the robber down when he was trying to escape.
The sniper cut the target down with a shot in his head.
A volcano cut down the city of Pompeii in the year 79 AD.
The city were completely cut down by the terrible earthquake.

Também usamos esse verbo quando nos referimos a cortar algo, como na frase: 

Don't cut down the tree!
A lot of trees are cut down every year to make paper.

Finalmente, podemos utilizar esse phrasal verb com o significado de modelar ou ajustar algo, como uma peça de roupa por exemplo.

I had my old pants cut down after losing 15 pounds.

That's all for today!

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